Waiting for an awesome conference

The issue of gender equality in the gaming industry has, perhaps, never been more relevant than this year, with women knocking on the, seemingly, locked doors of gaming. Organizations are struggling to become more inclusive, and inviting, to both female and male gamers.

Next week I’m leaving Stockholm to take part in the Gotland Game Conference (3rd to 5th of june). It will be an exciting continuation of last week’s participation in Nordic Game in Malmö. I especially look forward to ”Diversity Means Dollars” with Tom Abernathy from Microsoft Studios. But it’s far from the only exciting and groundbreaking happens during the conference. Sara Lempiäinen from Stardoll will give a lecture entitled ”Girls Just Want To Have Fun” and Heidi McDonald will give us inspiration under the headline ”Narrative as a Tool for inclusiveness.” Not least, we will hear an update from Andrea Hasselager and the project Game Girl Workshop in Palestine. What an amazing conference this will be, I’m so excited.

The cherry on top, and what I feel extremely privileged to do, is that towards the end of the conference, I have the honor to summarize much of all these smart conclusions in a panel with absolutely amazing intelligent and interesting people; Jenny Brusk, Åsa Roos, Thor Rutgersson, Annika Bergström… and me of course. At this panel, ”Creating Equal Cultures”, we will ask us and the audience the seemingly basic question: Why has it suddenly become controversial to not be a sexist? 

At this discussion we  will explore the following issues:
- what possibilities and limitations does the current games industry offer women and men; all the way from the game educations, to the work places to audience
- how can you help take action and be a positive change?
- how would education, the work place, and game development look in a more equal society?

To survive while waiting for this awesome conference, I recommend everyone to immerse themselves in Feminist Frequency, with Anita Sarkeesian, when she gives her series ”Damsel in Distress”. Part one and two embedded below, number three is coming up.

See you at the conference.

Damsel in Distress: Part 1

Damsel in Distress: Part 2

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Publicerad den 29 maj, 2013 av Pernilla Alexandersson
2 kommentarer
Pernilla Alexandersson
VD och grundare
Pernilla har nära femton års erfarenhet inom jämställdhetsfrågan. Hon är diplomerad affärsinriktad projektledare via IHM Business School och har fil. kand i genusvetenskap. Pernilla är VD på Add Gender och expert på strategiskt jämställdhetsarbete. Detta innebär att hon stöttar företag i vilka val de bör göra i relation till sin affärsidé och jämställdhetsfrågan.

2 svar

  1. [...] Waiting for An Awesome Conference The issue of gender equality in the gaming industry has, perhaps, never been more relevant than [...]

  2. [...] Waiting for An Awesome Conference The issue of gender equality in the gaming industry has, perhaps, never been more relevant than [...]


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