Why I must come out as trans: Geena Rocero’s TEDtalk

This is an amazing story, and a really awesome TED talk. It talks about one woman’s story of self-acceptance. My favorite quote is this: ”We’re all assigned gender at birth. What I’m trying to do is have this conversation that, sometimes, that gender assignment doesn’t match. There should be a space that would allow people to self-identify. That’s a conversation that we should have with parents, with colleagues.” I love the idea that Geena opens up for questioning and explaining. Many people have no idea what it’s like to be trans, and that’s why it’s so valuable that Geena shared her story. Take a look and get inspired!

You can find me here: http://www.addgender.se/alice-marshall/

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Publicerad den 14 april, 2014 av Alice Marshall
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Alice Marshall
Gender Equality & Diversity Consultant
Alice Marshall is a gender equality consultant at Add Gender. She wrote her Master's thesis at Stockholm University about best practices for gender equality in the IT industry. She is the only gender equality consultant in Sweden specializing in IT. She is very interested in gender equality and diversity as a strategy to make businesses more profitable, innovative and fun to work for. Before completing her Master's degree, she worked for Ernst & Young and Harlem Village Academies in New York.


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